Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

With the schools they donated the Ministry of National Education, scholarships they granted to successful students in financial needs and important projects in education planned for upcoming years, Özaltın Holding has fulfilled its objective of contributing to a better society.

Along with their social responsibility projects, creating value for the entire society not only with their services but also with direct and indirect employment opportunities they offer, investments they make and taxes they pay, Özaltın Holding has solemnly demonstrated that they are serving to the good of the wider society.

Özaltın Holding believes that an institutions value can only be measured by how much it returns to the society what it gains from that society and therefore, it constantly endeavors to indirectly or directly support the society via various activities and projects in education, arts and sports.

Furthermore, in foreign countries where it does business, Özaltın Holding promotes Turkey and Turkish people while creating jobs for the local people.

Timeless Works

Özaltın Holding has completed 4 educational institutions to date and delivered them to the Ministry of Education; these institutions which have been fully equipped to fulfill the students' needs were established as exemplary and modern educational facilities conforming to the projects of the Ministry of Education.

Other Education Projects

Providing support for many educational institutions, Özaltın Holding continues to meet the needs of primary schools all around the country, by providing materials and equipment such as computers, photocopy machines, books, maintenance & repair services, etc.


Özaltın Holding gives non-refundable grants to succesful university students in Turkey each year that are in financial needs.

Özaltın Holding gives grants according to the average success scores of students. Givenits field of operation, the Holding generally prefers engineering and business administration departments for these grants.